Sales Planning & Forecasting

Sales Planning is the key initiative for a successful business. Without a good plan nobody within the organization knows what to do and what to expect. Small mistakes and imprecise assumption can have a big impact on the corporate result. Therefore a global Enterprise should use the right professional solution and not trust on Excel files or systems that don’t fulfill the requirements.

With VISTAlution, we provide you the tool that allows you to perform your long-term sales planning and forecasting at the part number level – with more precision and efficiency than you can imagine.


Complexity, Dependencies and Standards

Your Organization has Thousands of Part Numbers to manage, and it is getting more and more every year. The biggest challenge is to bring them in relation to the right Projects, to understand which one is replacing another, which are supplied together at same quantities, to understand in which vehicles they are fitted and which changes in terms of volumes and prices do have which impact.
Those data need to be dynamic – whenever changes in vehicle production are faced, new exchange-rates are issued or a different weighting should be used, the effect should be incorporated automatically. This can only be managed and controlled with the right software solution.

planning complexity

Intelligent Transparency across the entire Supply Chain and Project Lifecycle

Key Aspects

Consolidation & Integration

Predictive Planning

With the combination of Actual Sales figures, short-term- and long-term Forecast in one System we avoid any duplication of maintenance efforts and reduce the issue of data inconsistencies.
The integration of ERP data and External Source Data limits manual input of your Sales Team and increases precision in planning.
In this way you are able to analyze your past- and current business together with future Opportunities in one tool.
A predictive live Analysis can be based on solid consistent assumptions and allows you to base your decisions on reliable data.

Sales Planning


User-friendly Data Input

User-friendly Data Input

Predefined Drop Down fields where possible. Intelligent input popups for Volumes and Prices. Project input on just one page

One Page Project Overview

One Page Project Overview

The complete Project Data on one page allows easy access and maintenance.

Dynamic Executive Summaries

Dynamic Executive Summaries

Project Summaries that can be shared and exported with one mouse click. Always up-to-date and in consistent clean format

Business Dashboard

Business Dashboard

Great insight to your business with filterable dynamic Dashboards containing KPIs, charts and tables.

Real-time Reports

Real-time Reports

All reports are based on live data. Each update is directly reflected in the next report

Lifecycle Timeline

Lifecycle Timeline

Understand where you stand in the project lifecycle. The animated timeline chart presents the key dates

Linked Data Pull

Linked Data Pull

Volumes and Prices from your ERP can be implemented through data pull to the appropriate Part Numbers.



Workflows support the completion of tasks and track the progress in chronological order

User-friendly Admin

User-friendly Administration

The complete Administration for a multi Productslines Enterprise can be managed by one Administrator

Role-Based User Access

Role based User Access

User Roles allow granting specific access rights for users of different departments



Notifications inform users about completed activities of Colleagues or the Administrator



Freezing different Versions of a Plan or Forecast to enable Comparisons

Start your digitization now

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